Membership FAQs
If you have read the membership eligibility descriptions for each category and are still not sure, feel free to reach out to the NATA office and we will help you determine which is the right one for you.
NATA is no longer accepting physical checks for new member applications or renewals. You may pay online at the time your application is submitted via credit card or ACH bank transfer.
If you receive an invoice for renewal but do not complete payment within 90 days, your membership is inactivated. To reactivate your membership after 90 days, contact the NATA office.
When a congregation pays for NATA membership, the membership belongs to the congregation. So, when you leave your position, your membership is deactivated.
If/when you take a new position at another synagogue or other qualifying organization, you may complete a new membership application. We will match it with your previous member record before activating your new membership.
If you are retired or leaving the field of synagogue administration, you may join as an Alumni Member if you meet the eligibility qualification of having been a Regular member of NATA for at least 5 years prior to retirement.
To request assistance, contact the NATA office.
When a congregation pays for NATA membership, the membership belongs to the congregation. So, when someone leaves their position, the membership is deactivated. No refund is issued when a membership is cancelled mid-year.
If you have taken a position in which your predecessor was a NATA member in good standing, you may join as a new member at no cost for the remainder of the fiscal year (July 1 to June 30).
To take advantage of the credit for your predecessor's dues, complete the following steps:
- Complete a new membership application.
- Select the "Invoice" option for payment.
- Send an email to the NATA office to advise that you are taking over for a former member and provide your predecessor's name and last day worked at your synagogue or organization.
We do not always receive notification when someone leaves a position. If you have your predecessor's NATA login information, please DO NOT log into their membership account and change the name or other information. You will be given your own membership record by submitting a new application.
To request assistance, contact the NATA office.
There are two options for reactivating an old membership.
If your membership was deactivated because you forgot to pay your renewal dues, you may contact the NATA office and ask for a new invoice. Your account will be reactivated once your dues are paid.
If your membership was deactivated because you retired or left your position, your old membership belongs to the congregation that paid the dues. You must complete a new membership application and pay the appropriate dues amount for your new membership. NATA staff are able to match and merge your new record with the old one, so your membership history remains intact, and you will see it all in the MemberHub.
All NATA memberships renew each year on July 1st.
Renewal invoices are sent to all active members the first week of June.
You may set up automatic renewal with a credit card or bank account information to ensure you do not forget to pay your renewal dues. You will still receive an invoice in advance of the scheduled payment date. You may change or discontinue automatic renewals at any time.
New members joining after July 31st will pay pro-rated dues based on the number of months left in the fiscal year.
NATA member dues help cover the cost of the organization's day-to-day administration, including personnel, technology, insurance, etc. Dues also support our Member Support and Professional Development programs, as well as board, committee, and other volunteer activities.
Except for members enrolled in the Alumni category, a portion of each member's dues are also automatically allocated to the Herst and Breuer Funds to support members who need financial assistance for professional and leadership development programs.
At NATA, we feel strongly income and/or a limited Congregational Budget should not be a barrier to becoming a member of NATA and participating in any of our programs. To that end, we may offer financial support to those who request assistance.
To be eligible for dues assistance you must:
- Be a regular member of NATA.
- Earn under $100,000 per year.
- Work for a congregation with an annual operating budget under $2M.
- Complete this online application form (emailed requests will not suffice).
- Not have another member at your congregation who has received assistance in the same fiscal year.
You may receive up to three years of financial assistance with maximum awards of:
- 75% dues reduction on your first request.
- 50% dues reduction on your second request.
- 25% dues reduction on your third request.
To request assistance as a new member:
- First complete your membership application, selecting Invoice as your payment option.
- Then complete and submit a request for assistance form.
If you are an existing member who needs assistance, please submit a request for assistance form.